Translation from the handwritten notes of Marc Breuer, in French. (Courtesy of Mrs. Annette Kirschner)
“and the words of Yosef were told to Yakov and he saw the Agalot (wagons) that Yosef had sent and Yakov’s spirit revived in him.” This is one of the thoughts from today’s Parsha where the text describes the moving account of the meeting of father and son. The word Agalot has two significances. It refers to the Dinim of Egla Arufa which Yosef and Yakov were studying before their separation. Thus Yosef was giving his father a sign that he was alive and would give him sustenance. And Yakov therefore accepted the unbelievable and surprising news.This is the first allusion. Secondly, the laws of Egla Arufa indicate that the nearest town is held responsible for the dead person, and must bring a Korban. Indicating perhaps a lack in the guilty town – was the police vigilant enough, did the people give sufficient Tzedaka, was it well distributed and in such a manner as to permit needy folks to earn a living? In other words, it teaches responsibility ben Odom l’Chaveroh. This is the second hidden meaning of the Agolot. Yosef feels responsible for the well being of his father and brothers. It also indicates that Yosef has finally forgiven his brothers and feels himself responsible for having irritated them to the point that they felt they had to get rid of him.
All Yehudim are responsible one for the other – kol Yisroel Areivim Ze l’zeh.
With this , I express my hope for a quick solution with Hashem’s help, for the healing of our suffering people.